
LanguageConservation.org has an active interest in languages from all over the Americas. This includes the Quechua languages from Peru. We are excited and grateful for the collaboration with Romulo Gamarra Baca as a Quechua language teacher and consultant in the University of Utah's linguistic field methods courses for the last two and half years.

Romulo was born in Cotabambas, Apurimac, Peru and completed his formal education in Cuzco. He studied Chemical Engineering from the Universidad Nacional San Antonio Abad del Cuzco (1974-78); recieved a B.A. in Business Administration from the Intsituto Superior Tecnólogico "Tupac Amaru" (1984), and a high-school teaching certificate from the Universidad Nacional San Antonion Abad del Cuzco (2006).

He has been be honored as a "certified teacher of Quechua" by the Academia Mayor de la Lengua Quechua, "Queswa Simi Hamut'ana Kuraq Suntur" (the Quechua Language Academy) in Cuzco, Peru.

At the University of Utah he has been involved with teaching Quechua for 2 years and has produced a book of poetry in Quechua entitled "LLAQTAYPA HARAWINKUNA TAKINKUNAPUWAN". An excerpt from this book is provided below.

If you would like to meet with Romulo and talk about opportunities with Quechua, please email him: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Apu Sallqantay, Apu machupijchu,

        Divino Sallqantay, Divino Machupijchu,

        Divine Sallqantay, Divine Machupijchu,

Apu Wayna pijchu.

        Divino Wayna Pijchu.

        Divine Wayna Pijchu.

Pachaykichispi, hayt’aykispi, muyurini

        Debajo, a vuestros pies doy vueltas

        Below, at your feet I go contemplating

Inti taytaypa k’anchayninta suyaspa.

        esperándo su alumbrar de mi Padre.

        awaiting the illumination from my Father.

Sach’a sach’a sonqomanta

        Del corazón de los árboles

        from the heart of the forest

qhosi ñawi, qori chukcha rijurimun

        ojos azules, cabellos de oro aparece

        blue eyes, golden hair appears

rap’ikunaq chhullanta wisñirispa

        derramando la escarcha de las hojas

        shedding the frost on the leaves

ñawiyraq tutayan qhawasqaypi.

        hasta mis ojos se nublan al ver.

        even my eyes get cloudy on seeing it.

Maypin puñuran kay ch’aska

       ¿Dónde ha dormido esta estrella?   

        Where has this star slept?

maymantan urmayamuran

       ¿De dónde ha caido?

        Where has it fallen from?

janaqpacha taytaychu icha aparichimuwan

         ó, es que mi Señor me ha enviado

         or, is it the Lord who sent it to me

waqcha wawaywan kausamuchun nispa

         diciendo, que sea su pareja de mi hijo.

         saying, it will be my son’s wife.

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