About Us

LanguageConservation.org (LC) is an international research center focusing on language and cultural development.  The primary outcome of research at LC is to create, develop, and foster language-based community development projects.  Priority is given to research focusing on the minority communities throughout the Americas that are underrepresented.

LC, its affiliates, volunteers, and projects recognize that the use of language and adherence to given cultural traditions is an individual choice, and stays neutral in terms of politics, religion, and social conflict.  Its aims are to provide the basic ‘rights’ of education, literacy, community cohesion, and individual welfare.  All LC projects are dependent on these views. 

LanguageConservation.org is a non-profit humanitarian aid organization and has the objective of creating, developing, and fostering language-based (focused and dependent) community development programs.  Its mains efforts are in research, materials development, and humanitarian community development. LC focuses on the underrepresented minority communities of the world with specific concentration on the endangered languages and cultures in danger of disappearing.   

 LC, its affiliates, volunteers, and projects recognize that the use of language and adherence to given cultural traditions, is an individual choice, and stays neutral in terms of politics, religion, and social conflict.  Its aims are to provide the basic ‘rights’ of education, literacy, community cohesion, and individual welfare.  All LC projects are dependent on these views. Check out our services page to get a full list of the types of projects LanguageConservation.org is interested in.

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