Xinkankuy im'an na mu'historia ɬik tuuru'.na tuuru' na muɬa uy, kuy im'an na mu'historia.
Gloss_English‎‎I will tell you the story of Tuuru'sTuuru that is the the gaurdia of the water, I wll tell you his story

Xinkanpues na mu'historia muɬa uy akuk'i naɬ ɬik hi' y wašta' ša k'aɬ maku neeɬa ik'aɬ huurak y niway nah posada.
Gloss_Englishwell the story of the water gaurdian; they were walking and were entered into a house of a man and asked him for a place to stay

Xinkanentonces ar'ay' t'uur'iiɬi par'a k'aɬ paaw'ak y na nah en cuanto pul'ay doce kuur'uk y yar'uy ti' rama paawak.
Gloss_English‎‎then he (the man) sent the tuuru's below a ceiba tree and they made twelve beds and hung (thme) on a branch of the tree

Xinkanentonces wirik'iy naɬ paawak huurak.imay ke"p'uusu ki' paawak, p'uusu ki' paawak"
Gloss_English‎‎then the man was speaking about the tree‎‎he said that"just bend the tree just bend the tree"

Xinkanimey nah paawak. y
Gloss_Englishhe said to them about the tree

Xinkanna paawak kumu ke netka' y uuɬu' ša naru y kumu na t'uur'iiɬi tik'iɬa' ɬik par'a paawak y asɨk tiik'i paɬ naɬ hi' t'uur'iiɬi kuuru' nah y
k'ɨy'ay' y k'atay'ay ša kuur'uk
Gloss_Englishand the tree like that it was pushed and it was fallen to the ground and as the tuurus slept below the tree and when they were
already asleep the tuurus were ran and picked (it) up layed it down in the yagual.

Xinkanentonces na nah waak'a' ɬik ša šaaru a'ipal'a.
Gloss_Englishthen they went to the ocean/river to wash

Xinkan"nda' ipal'a asɨk ku yak ta', šurumu kuy šuk'ak.cualquiera de šurumu kuy šuk'ak".
Gloss_Englishlet's [This is CHIQUI] bath when we are going to come back, we will eat a young manwhatever young mand we will eat

Xinkan"pues bueno" hi' nahwaak'a' ɬik ipal'ay entonces apeɬteme ɬik na'aɬ.
Gloss_Englishwell okay, they respondedthey went and bathedand then they were returning

Xinkany hooroy nah ik'aɬ šuraya ke mutunat'i naɬ hararih kɨɨwɨh y haani' marimba naɬ kaw'ih.
Gloss_Englishand a woman had it that she was playing her shin bone and like a marimba it was shouting

Xinkany entonces na tuuru' asɨk tuumu' its'iɬa' ɬik ɬik šurum'uuɬi ɨran tawu muyɨk'ɨša naɬ kuur'uk ša naɬ hi' porque ša ts'ɨrwɨ rama naɬ
suk'uy tumuki' kuur'uk huurak.
Gloss_Englishand then the tuuru when they were finally awake a big wind was rocking the yagual where they were because in the simplest?
branch the man tied up all the yagual

Xinkanentonces entre de šurum'uuɬi mupar'a naɬ ču kɨr'ɨh."ka' hi' ču kɨr'ɨn 'ay?, ka' hi' ču kɨr'ɨn? čɨkɨyɨn! y čɨkɨyɨn!"
Gloss_English‎‎then among the young men he was looking for his little brotherwhere is I little brother? where is my little brother?

Xinkanhin naɬ atero' pur'iy nah.entonces al fin de tanto pur'iy' nah šuy'akaɬi i imay nah ke,"ɬɨk'ay'a neeɬek".
Gloss_Englishnobody wanted to answer him

Xinkan"hm. han-da' aɬi katik'iɬa' naka pues?na nen' hin ntik'iɬa' hin ɬaray'ay nen' ša paawak."
Gloss_Englishwhy did you sleep?

Xinkan"ah, ɬɨk'ɨy'a neeɬek hombre kuy par'ak kooko' neɬa kašuk'a.kuy ɬɨp'ɨk naka.hin kuy nuk'ak ke ka'akuk'i."

Xinkanpues en fin na tuuru' wirkiy na paawak.imay nah, "p'uusu ki' paawak. p'uusu ki' paawak."en cuanto weskey kikih ša naru

Xinkany saak'a paawak šiki' huurɬay kikih.entonces na šuraya tup'ay' ša maku tunat'i kɨɨwɨ harari naɬ hi' pero hararih kɨɨwɨh na'aɬ.

Xinkany imay nah tuuru',"kuy im'a kan nah ke mutunat'i nah mutum'u mutunat'i mumarimba ku y'an kawi' nen'.

Xinkanasɨk mu'uk'a seguir tunat'i pues ɬɨknɨy ɬik tumuki' šuy'akaɬi y mu'im'a nah nah,"tundi ki' kamarimba, pues".

Xinkany donde mu'uk'a naɬ seguir tunat'i mumarimba tuupa' ts'ih na tuuru'.y asɨk hin paɬ mutunat'i na'aɬ mu'uk'a naɬ seguir kaw'ih.

Xinkany entonces imey nah, "nuk'a nah ču kɨr'ɨn wa' tunt'iy' kamarimba"."ah, hin porque muter'o nen' ".

Xinkan"hin hombre como ke kuy ter'o naka čɨrɨkɨ' k'aɬ ču kɨr'ɨn?"pues al fin ɬɨknɨy y nuk'ay nah mu'uuli.tuuyu' tunat'i yuhk'a' ki'.

Xinkannuk'ay nah hina' tumuki' humukih.ter'oy' hina' uuli.

Xinkanpues nah šurum'uuɬi pul'ay' ɬik na almuerzo k'aɬ paats'i hi' k'aɬ šuwik'i hi' otro wawɨy'a uy hi'.

Xinkany tum'uy šip'i šah šuraya y pul'ay na ašuka' šuraya y tup'ay map'u neɬa mu'almuerzo.

Xinkanasɨk nak paɬ tumuki' waak'a' ɬik tɨšk'ɨ y na tuuru' imay na šuy'akaɬi,"tur'a pe' pir'ik pari, tur'a pe' pir'ik pari".uk'ay na huutuk ti'ih.

Xinkanhin naɬ mu'araki ša mupir'ik pari.

Xinkanimay šiki', "tur'a pe' na mu'urtuk porque si hin kuy ɨyk'ɨy neeɬek en ke tɨšk'ɨ paɬ aku' pues na mupir'ik pari o na mu'urtuk uk'ay nah
k'aɬ maseeta naki pišku' naki.

Xinkanasɨk nah paɬ tumuki' waak'a' ɬik tɨšk'ɨ pues donde imay,"tur'a pe' npir'ik pari",

Xinkanimay nah sipani, kuuru' mu'ukšaya y tur'ay nah mupir'ik pari hin naɬ mupir'i ts'ama.

Xinkanpero imay ke, "tur'a pe' n'urtuk. iikamaakuh ɬik tɨšk'ɨ paɬ hi' akuh."

Xinkanpues ɨykɨy na mu'urtuk y asɨk uk'ay pensar urt'uy' maseeta naki akuɬa šan š si mas atero' uk'ay pišku naki.

Xinkanbueno pues entonces na tuuru' imay nah šuy'akaɬi,"sam'u kika hina' graw'a hina' hutu porque ku paɬ hi' ɨyk'ɨy' neeɬek".

Xinkany waak'a' ɬik pues tɨšk'ɨ.e tuupa' ša otro maku uuka' naɬ k'aɬ p'et'e hur'u.

Xinkany asɨk mup'unuɬa kikih p'et'e hur'u ki mutrueno naɬ pul'ay.y otro pari hin paɬ mu'uk'a naɬ tronar asɨk mup'unuɬa naɬ kikih hur'u.

Xinkanoor'o p'iššš! naɬ pul'ay', oor'o p'iššš!ah pues kuy pir'ikan ke tur'ey na išiwa ih hur'u šurum'uuɬi man.


Xinkanbueno pues idyay waak'a' ɬik y waak'a' ɬik y entonces akuk'i naɬ hi' ša šahah sanhon ɬɨk'ɨy' k'aɬ šuwayi

Xinkany imay nah ke, "nda' wak'i. nda' wak'i nda' wak'i bola"."ah, hin, porque kater'o nen'',imay nah šuwayi.

Xinkan"hin hombre. hin nder'o naka"."bien kater'o nen' ".al fin ɬɨknɨy šuwayi y imay nah ke wa' ki' wak'i ɬik pues.y uk'ay ɬik

XinkanUNA DE TANTO nuk'ay nah šuuruk ša mukrus mut'um'ay y ter'oy'.e asɨk ter'oy' ɬik išapiy na elahah.

Xinkany p'ašp'ay' ɬik kikih doce tanto išpa' ša elahah šuwayi.